Help Support AMLCJ
At AMLCJ, we rely on generous contributions from individuals like you to support our mission of sharing Japanese culture with our local communities. Contributions are vital to sustaining our programs, staff, and the community you love. Please consider supporting our work with a donation.
Donations in Kind
Donations of any amount are most gratefully accepted but there are other ways in which you can donate.
We would also appreciate donations of your TIME
Will you:
- share with us your time and expertise?
- offer your assistance by joining a committee?
- share your knowledge of managing projects?
- be a part of our membership drive and help the grow our membership?
How To Donate
We will gratefully accept your donations that may be given towards a specific program, event or purpose. If you don’t have a specific ‘target’ for your donation, we will accept your donation to be used where needed.
Step1: Send us donation form by email
Please email the form to: X
Download the form
Step2: Make a donation by cheque or e-transfer
by cheque
Donations can be made by cheque made out to AMLCJ and mailed to: X
by e-transfer
e-transfer to our account at X