Internal Regulations

Internal Regulations

Chapter One: Membership in the Association

Article One: Membership

  • Membership in the association is open to Moroccan individuals and foreign residents in Morocco.
  • Applications for admission are submitted to the Administrative Office.
  • Individuals wishing to become members must behave in accordance with the principles and objectives of the association.
  • Anyone who holds a permanent or temporary position in one of the association’s committees is considered an active member.
  • The status of honorary member is granted by the administrative office upon the advice of the Assembly Council.

Article Two: Rights of Members

  • Discuss all organizational matters related to the association within its organs.
  • Submit suggestions and observations to improve the work of the association within the organs to which the member belongs.
  • Appoint and elect all organs of the association according to the conditions stipulated in the statutes and these internal regulations.
  • Represent the association and participate in its name in any local, national, or international activity after being nominated as a representative.
  • Enjoy discounts on participation fees for all association activities.

Article Three: Duties of Members

  • Pay the annual registration fees: 100 dirhams for students enrolled in Japanese courses, 200 dirhams for general students, and 300 dirhams for others.
  • Contribute physically or morally to the activities of the association and commit to carrying out the tasks assigned to them.
  • Maintain the cohesion within the association, support its unity and choices, and strengthen its organization and activities.
  • Preserve the independence of the association.
  • Work to expand the association’s horizons.

Article Four: Loss of Membership Status
Loss of membership status can occur through resignation or revocation.

  • Resignation: Resignation takes place in accordance with Section Two of Chapter Four of the Association’s Statutes. It must be approved by the Administrative Office.
  • Revocation: It can occur due to:
    • Failure to pay membership fees for two consecutive years.
    • Violation of the statutes and/or internal regulations; the case is examined at the level of the Administrative Office, and the person concerned can request a review of the decision through one of the members of the Association’s Council.
    • Violation of the principles and objectives of the association or use of its name for personal purposes by representing it in any local, national, or international activity.

Chapter Two: Association Organs and Management
(General Assembly – Administrative Office – Association Council – Committees)

  • The General Assembly elects the Administrative Office, which is responsible for the management of the association in collaboration with the Council and the association’s working committees.
  • The Administrative Office is elected by a vote from a list.

Article Five: General Assembly

  • The General Assembly consists of all members who have completed six months of membership.
  • The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of the Association.
  • The General Assembly discusses moral and financial reports and votes on them.
  • The General Assembly discusses amendments to the Statutes and Internal Regulations.
  • After the resignation of the Administrative Office, the General Assembly delegates two or three members to supervise the process of electing the new Administrative Office, and the delegates must submit a comprehensive report to the General Assembly.
  • The General Assembly can make recommendations to the Administrative Office.

Article Six: Administrative Office

  • The Administrative Office ensures the normal functioning of the association, maintains its independence, and implements its decisions in accordance with Chapter III of the Association’s Statutes.
  • Among its important tasks and competencies according to the statutes:
    • Prepare files to be submitted to the relevant authorities after its election.
    • Hold monthly meetings and whenever necessary.
    • Keep administrative and organizational documents, as well as books and correspondence of the association, up to date.
    • Ensure the formation of committees when necessary and contribute to their activation.
    • Ensure the development of the association’s resources.
    • Prepare moral and financial reports for each General Assembly.
  • Regarding the relationship with the Association’s Council:
    • Convene an expanded meeting to elect the Association’s Council.
    • Present a draft annual activity program to the Association’s Council.
    • Present a report on the association’s activities at each session of the Association’s Council.
    • Make disciplinary decisions, if necessary, after consulting the Association’s Council.
    • Discuss any postponement of the General Assembly with the Association’s Council.

Article Seven: Association Council

  • The Council has an advisory role and is formed after the General Assembly in an expanded meeting of the participants convened by the Administrative Office within a period not exceeding three months.
  • Its composition:
    • It consists of all members of the administrative office (7 members), plus at least four (4) members and a maximum of six (6) members who are elected during the expanded meeting of the participants.
  • Its powers:
    • The Association Council has an advisory role that ensures the overall development of the Association and also contributes to the formation and activation of committees.
  • Its missions:
    • Collaborate with the Administrative Office in implementing the general program.
    • Ensure media coverage of activities.
    • ContributeInternal Regulations – AMLCJ

Article Eight: Committees

  • The Administrative Bureau has the right to establish working committees when necessary to implement the general program of the Association.
  • Committees work under the supervision of the Administrative Bureau.
  • Each committee includes at least one member of the Assembly Council to coordinate its operation.
  • Committees carry out specific tasks within a determined timeframe.
  • Each committee submits a comprehensive report to the Administrative Bureau immediately after the completion of its mission.

Chapter Three: Income and Expenses of the Association

Article Nine:

  • The resources of the Association consist of what is provided for in Chapter Five of the Bylaws. The Administrative Bureau may also bring in other resources through cooperation or partnership with organizations and institutions with common objectives.
  • The treasurer, assisted by their deputy, handles accounting operations and monitors all revenues and expenses related to the functioning of the Association and its activities.
  • All expenditure and income transactions must be justified by supporting documents that are sound and legal.
  • The treasurer, along with the President, signs all financial documents, including checks and other banking documents.
  • The treasurer prepares the financial report and presents it to the Administrative Bureau for approval at least seven days before the General Assembly.

Chapter Four: General Provisions

Article Ten:

  • The Administrative Bureau has the authority to decide on all matters not mentioned in this Internal Regulations.